by Aptus Associates
by Aptus Associates
The Doctor/Patient relationship is the foundation of ethics in the medical field with focuses on trust, privacy, respect, and professionalism. This is not only to preserve the feeling of safety a patient has with his or her doctor but is a way to build trust for the physician and his treatment decisions.
There are many different parts of the relationship to consider as a doctor, though. Your patient wants the highest quality of care and the relationship between the two of you is a large part of that.
The trust your patient should feel for you is two-fold. They should trust that you have the knowledge and capability to treat them as they need it, and they should know that you will do so to the best of your ability. There should be no doubt in your patient’s mind that you will do all you can for him or her.
In the same vein, you should trust your patient to carry out treatment and confide in you with any medical issues.
With so many laws dictating privacy between doctor and patients, it’s important to remember this aspect of patient and doctor your relationship. A patient must be able to openly discuss any medical needs and issues without fear of being reported for some reason or that any of their information will be given out. Privacy for the patient and his or her condition is imperative in the treatment process.
As the care-giver, you should respect your patient by being open and honest with them regarding their condition. You should provide them with their options and direct them towards the treatment you recommend. Having them see that you have their best interest in mind not only builds the trust your patient should have for you but also shows them that you respect them, their opinions, and their input.
Maintaining your relationship with your patient takes time and effort from both of you. Creating a sense of trust and respect and a promise of privacy will allow for a better appointment for everyone involved.