Categories: Doctors/Employees

by Aptus Associates


Categories: Doctors/Employees

by Aptus Associates


It can be daunting to look into hiring. You’re a busy office and taking time out to interview and find the right candidate, let alone train them to your office strategies when you’ve decided on one, can seem like a task you don’t want to get involved with. But whether you’re replacing someone or just wanting an extra set of hands, you need staff to run your medical office well. It may take a checklist to make sure you’ve got everything covered when hiring so we’ve put that list right here for you. Know how to hire well to keep your office running smoothly.

  • If the employee is leaving and needs to be replaced, review the job description with the person leaving. Discuss any tips that might help the new person coming in or anything the employee feels will aid in excelling in the position.
  • Think about an internal candidate. Although, you’ll have to replace someone who decides to move up, the position will be filled by someone who knows the office’s system and can learn from the person leaving. Even if there are no interal candidates, ask employees to think of friends who might be qualified and looking for something different.
  • Post the position immediately. You’ll probably only have a couple of weeks to find someone as a replacement without spending a little time short-handed so getting the word out ASAP is important to keeping your office running.
  • Have an application form ready. There are a few questions you want each candidate to answer before coming into the interview and that won’t be on their resumes, so have them fill out an application to weed out qualified candidates from the others.
  • If you recieve an application from an extrememly qualified candidate who you think would be a good fit for the office, call them as soon as possible. Set up an interview to evaluate them immediately. This not only keeps them from being snapped up by another office, but gives you plenty of time to train them and get them ready for their new position.
  • During the interview, ask open-ended questions. A person with a passion for their career will be able to talk in length about their strengths and desires for the position.
  • Be sure to clearly communicate the follow up process. This is more for the sanity of the applicant. It’s hard waiting for a call that may or may not come so outline when you’ll be making a decision and how your will contact them either way.
  • Be sure when you hire someone. Check their references to ensure the candidate meets your needs and will work efficently. Don’t ignore red flags. If the information doesn’t add up or you think they won’t be a good fit for your office environment, you might want to consider somone else.
  • Lastly, once you find just the right person, welcome them to your team, answer any questions they may have along the way, and treat them like a part of the family.

To avoid the intimidation that comes with just thinking of having to hire a new person, use these tips that break the process down into managable steps so that you can pick the best candidate for your office.

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